Usually $20! Get it on this page for 65% OFF, Only $7! 

Now You Can Make Your Letters to Loved Ones Unforgettable By Sending Them

Hand-Painted Cards!

If you can butter toast, you have all the technique you need to paint these beautiful, one-of-a-kind, DabbleCards. It only takes a few minutes. But the impression lasts forever!

Let’s Dabble Card of the Month…

Fall Pumpkins

Send Cards Your Friends & Family Will Love So Much

They’ll Frame Them!

This DabbleCard Mini-Course Usually Costs $20.

But On This Page, You Can Join DabbleCard Of The Month For…

Only $7!

My dear artistic friend,

Picture yourself visiting a friend’s home.

As you walk into the living room, you see the personalized card you painted for her framed and hung above the mantle!

“Wow, you framed it?” you say in surprise.

“Well, nobody ever sent me a card like that before. It made me feel so special!” she responds with a smile and a hug.

You see, when you send a personalized, handwritten, and even hand-painted card to your friends and loved ones…

They can’t help but feel special. They feel honored. And everyone wants to feel special.

And now, not only can you help your friends and loved ones feel special each time you send them a hand-painted card…

They’ll have a little piece of you they can keep for years to come.

Jennifer Vranes

World-renowned painter who’s taught thousands of total beginners how to paint with a palette knife.

They’ll have a little piece of you they can keep for years to come.

Can you imagine how special it will be? Decades from now, your grandchildren will show your hand-painted cards to their children! 

More than a photograph, text, or email ever could... your expression of love will allow the most special relationships of your life to live on and on.

You know how most people are today… texting… tweeting… Facebook messaging...


Is a text or tweet really enough?

Does it really tell your friends and loved ones how much you care about them? 

When you want to send your warmest holiday, birthday, or anniversary wishes, there’s nothing quite like a handwritten card. 

But, imagine how special they’d feel if... in addition to the time you took to write and send a card through the mail... if you sent a one-of-a-kind card including your very own painting on the cover?!?!

And it’s MUCH easier than you might think. 

All you need are a couple of inexpensive palette knives, 2 or 3 colors of acrylic paint, and some semi-stiff cards for canvases.

For the past 20+ years, I’ve worked as a professional painter and have been featured in galleries around the world. 

Yet some of the most treasured works of art I’ve created are these special, hand-painted cards, my DabbleCards.

I love these cards so much because of the personal relationships they’ve helped me cultivate. 

They can help you do the same.

And now, I’m excited to show you our latest…

Let’s Dabble Card of the Month…

Fall Pumpkins

Hooray! It’s fall! 

Join me as we paint these cute little pumpkins. 

These pumpkin-themed DabbleCards can help your friends and family enjoy this colorful season.

Aren’t they so cute? Think how fun it would be to paint these with your grandkids!

Here’s a sneak peek at what you get inside this fun, fall pumpkins mini-course. You’ll discover many of my best painting secrets, including...

  • The deceptively simple and inexpensive tools you need to paint your DabbleCards! It’s MUCH easier than you think to get and use these tools.

  • Why no two DabbleCards are the same. Each is as unique as a snowflake and unduplicatable, making your gift even more irreplaceable.

  • A simple “toast-buttering” technique even the most unartistic person can use to paint these beautiful DabbleCards. It’s a simple wrist “swoosh” motion you’ve been using all your life. And now, it will quickly turn you into a wonderful artist.

  • How to quickly and easily fix what appears to be a mistake without having to start again! You seriously CANNOT mess up when painting these cards. Your confidence in your ability to paint will get an immediate boost.

  • My favorite saving-grace painting tool I buy in bulk at Costco for almost nothing. Plus, it will keep your workspace nice and tidy.

  • The best kind of paper to use, how to get them for cheap, and how to package your DabbleCards so they arrive undamaged. Shipping art several days a week has taught me some pretty awesome tricks to keep your art pristine, even when it’s jostling around in the mailman’s bag all day.

You’ll discover all this, plus a bunch more!

Usually, I offer my DabbleCard Mini-courses for $20 each, which is a great deal.

But on this page, you can get access to our Fall Pumpkins DabbleCard for only $7.

As a member of the DabbleCard of the Month, you’ll get a special new DabbleCard Mini-Course each month. 

You’ll enjoy sending your loved ones many different, fun, hand-painted cards whenever there’s a birthday, anniversary, or other special occasion.

This DabbleCard Mini-Course Usually Costs $20.

But On This Page, You Can Join DabbleCard Of The Month For…

Only $7!

Here’s How Much Fun People Are

Having With DabbleCards…

This DabbleCard Mini-Course Usually Costs $20.

But On This Page, You Can Join  DabbleCard Of The Month For…

Only $7!

Leaving a Legacy of Love,

One DabbleCard at a Time!

When life comes to those important moments…

Moments where the memories of times with family and friends mean so much more than anything else…

How can you help those you love to feel just how special they are to you? 

How can you help them know what they mean to you and how much they’ve blessed your life?

It’s been said that love is spelled… “T-I-M-E.”

And when you send a hand-painted, unique, and stunning DabbleCard to a loved one…

They will immediately feel your love for them… demonstrated in the time and attention it took to create these special cards for them.

And even though creating these cards is SO easy that a total beginner can make them look amazing…

And even though they really don’t take much time at all to create…

It will be an unforgettable gesture. 

They will feel seen. They will feel loved.

And if you’re brand new to painting, this is the perfect way to get started.

With the easy, natural type of motion you use to butter toast, or frost a cupcake, or spread mayonnaise on your sandwich…

I will show you how to create these beautiful and very meaningful DabbleCards.

So, to enjoy the DabbleCard of the Month…

Click the link below and enjoy sending a small token of your love to those you care about most.


P.S. I can’t wait to show you how to paint these fun, colorful DabbleCards.

They take only a few minutes…

But the impression lasts forever when you send them to loved ones.

I can’t think of a better, easier, or less expensive way to get started painting…

Or to start using my “Textures of Life” techniques…

Or to share some kindness and love to a family member, or someone you know who could use a friendly greeting.

And now you can help them feel extra special with this DabbleCard mini-course.

To enjoy the colorful fun of creating your own DabbleCards, click the button below to get the DabbleCard of the month.

This DabbleCard Mini-Course Usually Costs $20.

But On This Page, You Can Join  DabbleCard Of The Month For…

Only $7!

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Let's Dabble LLC

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